So the other day I went to Kuwait airport to pick-up my mother from the airport since she has been away for the past couple of weeks. She was arriving on an early flight I was at the airport early in the morning expecting the plane to be early too. I thought I would just wait in starbucks and take a look at the magazines in and around there.
As I walk in I see that the plan is delayed for 34 mins, so I decided to get breakfast before going to work. As I walk in there a was a young man on the right who has a decently long religious type beard. My assumption here is that you wouldnt grow it out to the extent where you could measure with a ruler except if your going for the religious look, or maybe the Chuck Norris 1980s look but a little more shaggy, I dont really but it was long.
I saw that he was working very intensly on his laptop and I was curious as to what he was doing on his laptop. So as I am walking up to the sales counter, lined with 4 to 5 starbucks employees, I turned to the right as if looking at the mugs but Im really looking at the guy’s laptop screen. I was in such a shock that I got a closer look, as I got a little closer I was interrupted by one of the starbucks employees seeing if I want a mug or something I told him in a sec. The first time I saw his screen he was playing a game, as I got closer it was a real time strategy game! I was envious of the guy! I wanted to be playing too! It looked like a Command and Conquer type game! I love those types of RTS games, especially with the modern weapons. He was highlighting here, attacking there, building overthere, and sending troops to support the attack! I was watching him intently until I noticed I was pretty damn close to the guy and left to order my breakfast! I was laughing at my self because I wanted to play video games early in the morning too. Now that was a nice shock in the morning! It really entertained me, and after a while my mother arrived, but I was still laughing at my self for being somewhat jealous of the guy who could play video games from 6:50am in the morning, and by the time I left the guy was still playing. I need to play some games!
Is it me or has traffic gotten lighter over the past two weeks. Are schools done already? Or are people just too lazy to go to work these days and I was the last one to find out. I have been finding it enjoyable to drive the past week and a half. I keep constantly moving and not too many people cutting me off. I have noticed this interesting thing, that girls who go to work in the morning and arent wearing a hijaab seem to drive pretty well. I mean they do push through traffic but they are doing it a tactful manner, but the girls who wear hijaab seem to drive as if all the cars are bumper cars and they dont see neither left or right. Is there any scientific significance to this I dont know, but there must be something. Maybe they use their sideview mirrors. Maybe!
But driving to and from home hasn’t been too bad and I get around to some places without hitting too much traffic the past two weeks and I do find that enjoyable.
I find it strange that some people love cloudy days, Im not one of them. I like it nice and bright no matter what Im doing. When its cloudy I just feel like I want to sit home and play video games! I have a ton of video games I want to play but I dont have the damn time! Like Battlefield 2, and a few other games on the PC! Even though I have a ton of work and Im bouncing around everywhere it feels that things are just going a bit slow even though time is flying I dont know how to explain it!
The other point thats annoying me is that I want to ride, but Im not sure if its going to rain! What a day! Im sure Im going to the gym today to get some time on the elyptical and other machines. Today is tuesday so the Salsa is going nuts again.
With the way Customs, MOC, and MOI are acting they are really constricting businesses in Kuwait. Its affecting us in a bad way, and I really think its affecting our normal day to day lives. They are making shipments difficult to get out of customs and stopping items that have no reason to be stopped. This seems to be causing more havoc to everyone then they expected.
From what I heard that Virgin has been in the red for a while now. They are loosing money each month, and their shelves dont have any dvds, books, or magazines. With the type of constrictions being enforced for no reason they are putting a businesses out of business. I know some people arent happy with Virgin, but I would rather have it here then not. But for months now Virgin hasn’t been making money and its a burden on Virgin of the Middle East.
This one productvie sunday, even though I got swamped at work and things are getting a hectic since New Years is coming up and everyone is trying to warp up everythin by then. So work is just piling up, but today I finished and went home, then I chilled with my mom, and we had lunch. A little chit chat here and there, and then I went to visit my grandmother since she came back, and I prefered to go early to avoid all the people. And I had a few things I wanted to do.
I went to the gym, and I was happy with the work that I did the past couple of weeks whcih I shall be posting about the workout. I had a good workout this time, and I saw a friend there so we started talking motorcycles since he has a Ducati.
After that I went to one Hawally shop to do a full transplant between the small shuttle to the minitower so that I could make some additions to my Media PC. And going to Hawally around 8:45pm it was fantastic since there wasnt much traffic and I could easily go to where I wanted to go but I had to carry to boxes up two flights of stairs. It felt easy after the workout. After finishing with that I went home to take the well deserved shower.
Is anyone else having problems with MTC these days?
Something really strange is going on, and I dont what exactly MTC is messing about with in the background.
I was thinking about writing the meeting minutes of these three days which made me laugh
I think this was a fun filled weekend, I just wished I had a two day weekend instead of one. I also didnt have a chance to catch up with my cousin since he had to travel so no tv episodes this week, but mid this week we are going to catch up!
I tried organizing my music files myself instead of trying that music program but no luck since I really messed things up and I couldnt come up with a way that I could catalouge them and find things easily so I stopped. I think I should figure out a plan before starting, that would have helped a lot.
That is one thing that I love about winter is the arrival of Afendis or Tangerines! Its fantastic! So sweet and easy to eat, very little seeds (if you pick the right one). Im listening to some Will Smith in the background Will2K right now to be exact will stuffing my mouth full of the sweet sweet tasting pieces of heaven, and Im dancing to the music. I know I have to get up early for work, but this is just too good and I wont regret it. Inshalla!
I came back from work for the first time before 7pm this week and I was happy about that, but I was still running around the house since there is work and fixing being done around the house so I was walking around and checking out all the work done. So I was trying to get a lot of things done at home since I was home early. I was going through the home bills, and all the other stuff I wanted to check. And then I remembered I was hungry, so I ate a late lunch. Then I was around the house going through the checklist.
I laid down on my bed for a bit to go through a few documents for work, then I passed out with laptop tilted to the right. I woke up an hour and 15 mins later around 8:25pm, and damn that hit the spot. It was great. And now I might test riding a bike that Im looking forward to, so thats going to be an interesting development. I will keep you posted.
You couldnt tell from the name, but is a modern furniture shop in Shuweikh. I stumbled upon it the other day while getting lost at night looking for a specific shop. Its Italian modern furniture and the store belongs to Dia’a Behbehani. I bet she likes Italian furniture, and I have to say that they do have a lot of nice things and shop has a lot of space between the ground floor and and basement floor for a normal shop. I didnt look at the prices because I was the only customer and there were three sellers all over me which was making difficult to look at things comfortably or snap any pictures. Its a really funky furniture shop, but it does seem pricy, but still worth a look. I couldnt even think of describing where the hell it is but giving them a call would probably help.
Dont ask me to pronounce the name I kept messing it up the whole time I was there. Its unique thats for sure!
They also have a website which does have some stuff on it, but no way close to the amount of things that they have in stock. The website doesnt do their items justice, its different when you see it.
Contact: 4828008
Link: Fauteuil Club