A lot of these songs I have had on repeat for over a month now and enjoying it. There are some new songs in the horizon which I’m making to a new playlist but this one I’m enjoying it right now. I do enjoy when dance musicians like Benny Bennasi and Afrojack add a little mix to the music, I do enjoy genres mixing it up.
Office Space is one of my favorite movies of all time and that is what Michael Bolton reminds me of. Now the guys from Lonely Island brought him on board and I don’t have a clue why but its genius and the video is funny because of his pointless involvement and homage to Jack Sparrow. Their new music album is released and I’m going to download it from iTunes.
The Beastie Boys premiered the full-length 30-minute version of their short film, Fight for Your Right Revisited, in which basically every famous person ever guest stars and the Beastie Boys meet their future selves. The actor line up is fantastic, its a 30 minute video and its funny.
Justin Timberlake is back with The Lonely Island. This another level of disturbing! I cant wait to hear their new CD coming out on May 10th.
Anime music is usually from mainstream Japanese bands and I listen to a few of them. The Shamisen is a traditional Japanese instrument which is used with classical music from what I have seen or dramatic moments. But the Yoshida Brothers are Shamisen Virtousos and turned this musical instrument into a modern tool and I do like their song.
This is the first song blasting out of my headphones the moment I get on the bike and put my helmet on! I have this song playing a lot and I love it! When it comes on I have a tendency to go a little faster then usual.
One of the greatest music duos of our time, Daft Punk have really broken barriers with their music. And to this day I have no clue who these guys are and I have no desire to find out. All I know is that they have been wearing helmets for the longest of times, and here is a visual history of the helmets and periods they have been wearing them. I think the Pre Tron helmets was one of their bests. I really hope that one day I can go to one of their concerts, I got their last live CD and it was fantastic. Click the image for a large and clearer picture.
Link: io9
With the last few days of 2010 remaining I have put together a decent playlist over the last two weeks of the songs that I love and a few interesting ones that I found. A put a few stars on songs that I really love, a good playlist is the best part of my riding day. And the best part during these periods is that people are out of town so the streets are semi-empty these days.
The Lonely Planet are back and this time they have brought Blake Lively and Jessica Alba this time around featuring Akon. And this is just as funny as Jizz in Your Pants. These guys never stop and I hope they just keep making these funny videos. Now the new Album is coming out in 2011, I’m wondering what other music videos will be coming out.
Its rare these days that artists come up with Albums that every single track is good, usually its one or a max of three on a album that are good and the rest are crap. But recently there are have been quite a few albums which have been amazing, at the top of them is Eminem’s new Album, I don’t know if T.I. is still in jail but his CD is amazing and the rest of the list is below.