This helmet came out a little while ago, but its still one weird looking futuristic helmet. Its for off-roading, but it feels like somebody should wear it in a fighter jet.
After work it was really sunny outside and the weather was perfect. It was cool outside, and I was looking forward to riding. I changed into my ridin gear and headed down getting ready to head out for a bit of riding before going to my cousins place. After checking on my nephew for a little bit I headed over to the gas station, filled up the tank and headed over to my cousin’s place! The weather was perfect! Cool enough that Im enjoying the heat coming from the Engine. Its an amazing rush, and you feel the electricity going through your body with these temps! I hope everyone is having a goodtime out these days! Its just too good to pass up not being outside! And today Im going to be wearing a jacket that I have wanted to wear for a while, its fully armored black race jacket.
This is a concept bike from Tim Cameron, he has been designing bikes a lot recently and he has been eating, breathing, and living bikes for the past 23 years. He is an artist and views every machine as a piece of art. I would love to own the V-Rex if they ever made it, its like a combination between a streetbike and cruiser! And I love the color of the bik, and I love the way the exhaust is coming out of the back, I just want to throw my leg over it and Ride!
For those of you wondering, this is how I ride. Full gear all the time be it hot, cold, raining, or snowing. I will always wear full gear, and riding in full gear. If you see me then this is what I will look like. I will not ever ride in a t-shirt, shorts, or shirt. Always full gear in any situation. It only takes one time to fall without gear to cause a lot of damage. I know that riding a motorcycle isnt the safest past-time, but it is something I am extremely passionate about and I wont be stopping anytime soon. So wearing gear is one of the precautions I can take while riding. I will take better pictures of me in full gear on the bike during the day, hopefully on the weekend!
Click the top picture to see a larger version!
I had to show this for those who havent seen it! Dodge made limited numbers of this pure American bread muscle! It has 500 horsepower, and 525 pounds of torque. This is probably the most pro-industrial design I have seen ever made for a motorcycle. It was made a couple of years ago, and they were selling it through Neimen Marcus for a minimum of $200’000 up to $550’000 and people were buying it. It goes 0-100 Km/h in 2.5 seconds, and has theortrical top speed of 645 Km/h. I would just want to ride this monster once. Just once and we shall we where we can go, I need a straight line. Now this bike would be the perfect transformer!
Link: allpar
Nicky Hayden beat the 5 time world champion Valentino Rossi in one of the most amazing MotoGP Seasons ever seen. I couldnt believe it when I read it. I think that all these riders are extremely talented and Rossi thrives under pressure, but he didnt get the best position to start off with and he made a mistake which cost him the championship. It was just a case of human error at one of the corners, but Rossi’s progress was amazing this season with all the troubles they have had. He has worked hard and proved that he is a world champion with class, by going to congratulate Nicky Hayden right away. Padrossa really came through helping Nicky Hayden to get to his position, it was a well deserved win and Hayden worked hard all season long. Rossi vs. Hayden battles all season long has been one of the best I have seen and read. What a MotoGP season, I just hope every season is this exciting!
Link: Hayden’s Dream Come True
Link: Bayliss Wins, Rossi Falls, Hayden World Champion
This is one unique motorcycle! The engineers and designers behind this motorcycle have only one thing in mind which is perfection. This is one interesting piece of machinary which has a lot of heart put into it. I cant stop being amazed by the design it looks like a mix of Italian, American, and Japanese. It handles like a sports bike, looks like an Italian motorcycle, with the grunt of an american engine based on its looks. This machine doesnt come cheap either, it starts at $49’800.00 up to $138’800.00 depending on the modle you take. I just really want to ride this work of art and experience it for myself. I probably wont be riding one or buying one anytime in this lifetime! I can still dream, or repeat a scene from Gone in 60 Seconds, and puff I have one then. The one thing I love about this machine is the name The HERETIC! hehehe! It sounds intimidating, and its different just like the bike.
Link: EcosseMoto
This is one the greatest MotoGP seasons I have seen! It has been amazing seeing different riders take the podium, and Rossi has came up from the rear and taken the front seat. Only one race left today for it to make or break the season for both Nicky Hayden and Valentino Rossi. I really dont have a preference for either of the riders to win, I just want to see a good race because they have both been great this season. Now its really the battle of the titans! Milandri is close behind them, but the real battle is between these two! Im hoping for a good race and cant wait to see the results!
Link: BBC Sports
This is an old article, but seems that the Jordanian special forces utilizes motorcycles for some of its troops, and these are some pretty interesting motorcycles. I wouldnt want to be on one of these in enemy terreritories! I would be a moving target with nothing to provide you with cover, but you could probably move around a hell of alot! I bet they would be entertaining to ride!
Link: Janes
I got these from a UK motorcycle magazine that I read! I found some of them to be pretty funny.
Link: FastBikes Magazine