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Uncle Vijay and Uncle Ramesh – Cra...


I don’t even know what to say, I was laughing my head off from the beginning to the end. I honestly think this is one of the funniest videos I have seen a while. These guys have made other videos, but this one is really good. The timing is great, and they did a good job getting everything right!

Link: MySpaceVideos

Bauer Doing His Time...


Bauer had a little DUI incident from sometime back, and he violated his probation. So the district attorney wanted to make an example of him, but during the proceedings he pleaded guilty and he said he would serve all his time as long as it doesn’t interfere with his show 24. He will be spending Christmas and New Years in jail. Now that is a man owning up to his responsibilities, I have to respect him for that. Nobody can touch Jack Bauer. Period.

It’s a mug shot Kiefer! Not a “24” promo shoot! Kiefer Sutherland began serving his 48-day jail sentence last night for his little DUI arrest. Kief is serving his time in Glendale and he will spend Christmas and New Year’s in there. The L.A. City Attorney’s office expects him to serve his entire term.

“Sutherland will be serving the 48 days in the Glendale City Jail, with no early release and no good time/work time credit, so we expect that he will serve the entire 48 days in jail.”


He has been assigned to laundry and kitchen duty. He will also to be allowed to roam the jail 75% of the time, but will have minimal contact with other inmates. He’s Jack Bauer after all.


Maybe he’ll participate in the prison Christmas pageant. I hear they are still casting for a Baby Jesus and Kief definitely has got the look down.


I’m proud of Kief’s mug shot! He totally listened to Tyra and is “smiling with his eyes.”

The only thing that is delaying the shows are those damn writer protests.

Link: dlisted

Koosh Balls...


Who remembers the Koosh Balls from back in the day, I remember having different kinds and I had mine up until recently when my nephew took it. I really loved my Koosh Ball, I remember calling it a Kooshkin and a few others would remember that too.

I had a black and blue one which is of decent size, and I had it for over 13 years but since it has been taken away I’m thinking about getting another one but I want that specific color. And for $3 I really think its worth having, but finding the right color is tough since they only have limited kinds. I remember the multicolored ones were huge, but I prefered the ones that fit in the palm of my hands.

Link: Amazon

Axis Of Evil...


I have been hearing about them for a while now and we managed to go see the new showing of Axis of Evil. When it first came out they were sold out for the first three days but then they added two more days and we got tickets to the show by arguing with the people selling them. It was pure insanity to get these tickets, they were flying and now they are in Kuwait.


I have to say that this is one entertaining act that I couldn’t stop laughing, these guys are hilarious. I wanted to see Maz Jobrani the most out of the three guys. Ahmed Ahmed turned out to be funnier then I expected he got us busting up laughing, Aron Kader painfully funny when he gets warmed up. The act was too short and very entertaining, they had some acts which they were famous for but they had new acts which related to our region and they just kept going at it. If you can get tickets to them then go see them, it is extremely worth it.



Cinestar Gold Class...


Whenever I come to Dubai the first thing I do is look at the movie list, and I see what is playing the Gold Class screens. Those listings for the Gold Class movies are only until Friday so they change, and I head over only when I finish up my work. The best part is the large selection of movies they have, they do have some old movies and new movies but at least a selection of uncensored movies.


For the first time I managed to see a movie I wanted in the Gold Class theater, and its was as good as everyone said it was. The lazy boys are fantastic and you can really relax, the service is great since everything is brought to you. I was with a friend and he told me they have everything on the menu. I asked them for a hot dog and they had different kinds, so I thought to try it out and ordered a chili-hot dog and I think they mixed chilli with tabasco because it was burning hot. I was really enjoying the movie, and I got real comfortable in the seat too bad the other movie in the Gold Class is one I don’t want to watch.

Review: HTC Touch...


I have been using this phone for about four weeks now and using most of the day. It has some clear advantages and disadvantages to this phone, you either will love it or hate it. Overall I think its a very good for its purpose, but some other phones do other things better then it.



  • Very good touch interface
  • Wifi
  • Decent battery, lasts at least 3-4 days with normal use
  • Bright screen and loud speaker
  • Very slim and light
  • Interfaces easily with Windows XP
  • Simple to make a phone call
  • Lots of available applications.
  • Solid rubbery build
  • Arabic interface


  • Nearly impossible to text on the go
  • Can’t distinct between a number with +965 and a normal number, can’t match them up with a user.
  • Windows mobile 6 needs to break away from the stiffness of the competition and go with a better OS.
  • Price


Price: 180KD


Keifer Sutherland ≠ Jack Bauer...


It seems Sutherland has been caught driving drunk again which is another issue for him. The one thing I liked about the way he handled it is taking full responsibility for all his actions as well as going to jail for the full period that was specified by the judge. Also Jack Bauer will make sure he will serve his jail time in full, one fact people don’t realize except for those in the know, Jack Bauer is not Sutherland, and Sutherland is not Jack Bauer.

Link: CNN


Due to this I will be purchasing this T-Shirt which requires no explanation. They have a lot of funny t-shirts from lots of movies and internet chatting trends.

Link: Chargrilled

Axe Vice: Naughty to Nice...


Axe have always come out with these Advertisements where women go crazy for the men using their products. This time they have taken it up a notch and made a really funny sketch about their product. Whats different is this Ad does step on a few toes, but it also has some good material and they get the product across while you enjoy the two to three minute skit.

Since Axe products cause women to go overboard and they loose their control with men there have been some pretty extreme cases. So help people they have developed the Naughty to Nice program for the female inmates. Just check out the link, and enjoy.

Link: AxeVice

Panzer Tank...


Taking paintballing to another level, and who said the one with the bigger gun doesn’t win. This is a Panzer tank developed for deployment on the paintball field and customized to your liking. So at this point it isn’t the one with the skills that wins at paintball but the ones with the biggest guns. They custom make this Paintball Panzer to your speicifcations, and you have six colors to choose from. It takes them about three months to make one because they are made to order. There is a firewall between you and the engine, and a roll cage. The canon is designed to be able to shoot while you move. This is every over grown kid’s dream, who wouldn’t want to drive this around and shoot at people.


Halo Suit...


I love Halo since it reinvented the First Person Shooter genre, and they created a huge following for Halo. It is the game that made the Xbox successful. So I am huge fan of the Master Chief, and this person made an extremely detailed real life version of the suit. It is a functional suit, not one of those cheap versions, but its insane how much it is going for at this point. There are 39 bids and its at $21’149.00.

Its insane, but its one hell of a suit.

Read the Q&A on the Ebay listing its hilairous:

Q: How might having this suit impact my social status? Sep-20-07

A: Vastly improve your standing.

Q: if you are in the suit and somebody shoots it will it go through? Sep-20-07

A: yes, and you’ll be dead.

Link: Boing Boing

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