I woke up this morning and saw that it was sunny and I couldn’t see any clouds so I decided to take my bike to work! It was an enjoyable ride and I took a different route then the usual way. It was great, and then suddenly around 12pm it started raining hard for about 20 mins and I was lucky I moved my bike under a parking cover. I didn’t mind a little water on the road since I ridden in the wet before.
As I left work I filled up gas at Adaliya Gas station and took down the 2nd ring road to the gulf, a little drips of water here and there but it was fun. I knew there were almost no riders on the road since most would be insane to go out in this weather, but since I was out I didn’t mind getting a little wet and it didn’t look like it was going to rain again. As I was going down the Gulf Road and getting close to Marina it started raining a bit, and when I got at the light next to Marina Mall is started raining like crazy! It didn’t stop it just got harder and there was another biker wearing no gear, he was getting ripped apart by this weather, I was comfortable in my clothing even though I knew it wasn’t water proof.
Then the rain started getting harder and as I crossed Bida’a round about after Blajaat street I was getting hit by something and I look up to see hail hitting my face mask! It was hitting and hitting hard! Suddenly everyone was pulling over, I thought screw it! I was going to get hit either way so I kept on riding and it felt like somebody was pinching me hard! I was in a damn BATTLE!! It was insane! I loved it! I don’t know why, but I loved it! I had good music, my senses were on overload, I was just watching out for cars and the road was flooded! I was getting hard but I was just laughing! I somehow managed to get home but I really enjoyed the ride! It is just one of those things that happens and you make it through!!!
I knew things were getting worse when I could slowly feel the water in every part of my body! Every PART! Everything was soaked, it was hilarious! My jeans and t-shirt changed colors! From lighter to darker from gettign soaked! It was great!
When I started! It was 27C in the morning when I got home it was 20C! What a day, I got soaked, rode through deep water, the tires were amazing! Pyro was having fun, I was having fun, and I took a nice shower after that! Pyro is a champ in the rain!
I was on my ride and decided to stop by Tristar to check out what parts they have and what machines they had. Its like walking into a candy store when I go in there! So many different kinds of bikes, so many beautiful machines! Not enough space to sit on each one, but it would take so much time to admire all of them and I really like so many different ones. There was this interesting 4 wheel machine with OZ racing rims, seemed really interesting, and it looks like it will handle like a go kart! I can’t wait to get my parts for Pyro just so that he would start looking a little different with a fierce look!
Yesterday I wish the roads were more curved so that I could enjoy them more, I think I was pushing a little more then usual. Its now bordering between hot and cold, and I really wish that it would stay cool for a little while longer! In other countries they just start riding next month, and in Kuwait we are supposed to stop riding in the summer, but I don’t think I will be stopping! I love to ride even if its hot! I was enjoying yesterday’s ride though! Even with a little bit of sand storm! As long as I have my helmet on and some music I’m good!
I have been thinking about this for a while but I wasn’t aware of the best artists to do the work and some who is trust worthy. Since I would be sending my helmet to them to have the work done and I would really have to trust them to do the work right and handle my helmet with care.
I have finally found two amazing artists in the US recommended by two people who have had their helmets done and they are really happy with the job done and the quality of work.
This came to mind since I wanted something that would fit the color of Pyro but its unique and something simple! This is alot more difficult then it sounds, the above helmets are something I like. I really like the Pedrosa Helmet (The Blue One), and I thinking of using that sun and incorporating into my design! I have too think of my own design and get some ideas from other helmets to make a combination I ike! I don’t want something too busy and I don’t want something too bland.
As of right now this is what I think the design must have:
These are just a few things that I have come to conclusion that I want, but sitting and drawing a couple of sketches will be the most difficult part, the artist can’t do that for you since only you would know what you really want. So I’m just going to keep trying different looks between paper and photoshop to see how this goes!
After going through it a couple of times I came to the conclusion that PYRO is the name for him! He starts a flame where he might be! After a couple of days of not being able to ride Pyro since I didn’t feel like I was up to it I had to go tonight since I felt that I got some of my strength back and I really wanted to ride since I haven’t been riding for a over 5 days now and thats just too long for any person to go without riding!
I like the new tinted windscreen and it deflects the wind even more so it helps when I’m riding and they re-set the TPS and adjust the idle level for some tweaks which I hope help the engine! It has been purring like a kitten with a few hiccups. I couldn’t help it after starting the bike and riding at night, I felt like my demons were coming out and that there was a trail for fire that is appearing just after my rear tire! It was an amazing and exhilirating feeling! They couldn’t fit the racing clutch since a piece was missing, but it will come in two weeks so I don’t mind! What a ride, I loved it! Now I want to ride during the day even though its damn hot!
Tristar came by last night to pick up the Ducati to take it to workshop. I was happy that it was being handled right but I still didn’t want my bike leaving its home.
Things to be done:
I have complete trust in the techies at Tristar and I would like my bike back as soon as humanely possible. It is just something about not having the bike in my garage when I walk down that feels a bit strange.
I’m still stuck at the naming stage, I think I will have him named by the end of this weekend, so while I’m traveling I can think about it!
This is about the people driving on the road, not everyone but just about. I have been riding bikes for almost two years in Kuwait, and I have been riding for five years in the US. I know that there is an inherent danger in riding, and riding in Kuwait is at another level of its own.
This is about when I’m holding my own lane or planning to pass car. I have been swept aside by cars who want to get into the lane, or people who just don’t care even after noticing. Its as if the drivers don’t care about hurting other people, they don’t give space or move out of the way. My riding is extremely tactful, I know I’m an aggressive rider, but I really have to curb myself when there are cars on the road because you really have to expect the worse from them. Even after they notice you, some people try to squeeze you in, and I have a situation where a man after seeing opens his doors intentionally and looks me in the face, acting like he wants to get something out of the back. I didn’t react to him, I just let it go and moved on. The thing is I know that in Kuwait a hit and run isn’t considered a really serious offense and they don’t make a real effort to find the person who caused the accident, so if they hit you they would just run away while your laying on the ground.
I knew that people drive badly in Kuwait, but I didn’t think that they had no heart to the point they don’t care about inflicting pain to a person riding a motorcycle. I try to ride fast enough to Keep my distance from all cars because its safer to be riding alone on the road then next to other cars.
And that aside, I want to say thank you to EVERYONE who gives a motorcycle space to ride through while stopped at traffic or lets them through when they are going faster, or even being considerate to them. Those who give me space I always wave to, because I want them to do that again to any other person on a motorcycle. I want to thank those people who are considerate to those motorcyclists who are idiots on the motorcycles who are trying to slow traffic down to look at someone or to perform stunts in the middle of traffic, I know they are stupid, but thank you to those who are considerate enough not to hurt them.
Its frustrating try to get people to respect or be considerate to motorcyclists on the road when there are idiots on motorcyclist, but thank you to everyone who is! This was just on my mind after a few good and bad experiences I have had with people on the road! I will always keep riding, and keep on riding! And I want anyone who does ride to enjoy it!
Since I haven’t ridden Robo for over 5 weeks (3 weeks waiting for replacement parts and 2 weeks since the Ducati came in!), he seems to be acting up on me a bit! I can’t blame him! So while I was riding I came to a stop to take pictures I thought about not shutting the bike off and keep the bike running, but then I thought it was hot. So I shut off the bike and started taking my shots in a nice empty area.
After finishing up I got back on Robo and started him up, well I tried. He didn’t start, and he seemed very stubborn about it. So after a few tries, I thought it was best to stop. I opened up the manual and read up all the details about the battery, and the multiple warnings that are associated with it. The details and description is very clear, and all the tools were in bike. I have to commend BMW for their logical thinking, for once a motorcycle company put the battery, and leads where it is accessible, I know some companies put it under the tank to lower the center of gravity, but in this case it was under the top panel and readily accessible. I called home and we had the jumper cables and the driver wasn’t so I asked him to come in Landcruiser with the cables. It took him about 12 minutes to get there.
Then the Landcruiser and Robo had a heart to heart and he decided to start up. During the whole thing I really couldn’t blame him for being that way. After things were going a little better I decided to go for a little ride around the area, and I remembered how powerful Robo is and what he can do! He just eats up the ground and has more to go! So much grunt power! I love it! It was an interesting day!
It has been a couple of weeks since I recieved the Ducati! And at last I have reached the break-in mark! its not 1000 Kms exactly, I got it to 1121 Kms after this weekend. So I managed to ride over 500 Kms this weekend which is better then my previous weekends. I will be calling Tristar to see when I can get it serviced, and I also have a few parts which shall be fitted. I still have to keep things in line until 1500 Kms, but at this rate it won’t be that much longer.
I think those are the only two parts that need to be installed, I’m not sure if they recieved the other parts I asked for. There is a few tweaks that I hope they can work out with the Ducati regarding when I’m coming to a stop and its just about to idle, it sometimes causes the bike to stall which doesn’t happen too often, but its seems some other owners seem to be having an issue. Its minor in comparison to my whole riding experience.
That aside I am still thinking about the names!
Right now there are a few:
Five names I’m leaning towards are Dante (The Evil Count), Vulcan, Blaze, Diablo, and Pyro (Like playing with fire). Thanks to everyone who is giving their opinion! It has been hard to name this beast since he is something special, and I want it to be just right!
And some of you thought I had no love for Robo! Well I just had to break in the Ducati over the past few weeks, and so Robo was parked for a bit, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love that bike! Robo had a few parts on order which have improved a little looks, and made things easier on me in regards to the pulling in the clutch and brakes. I keep forgetting how much torque this machine has, everytime I get back on this machine I get amazed how much power bmw packed into it, its really something the desingers and engineers went crazy with and I love it. It took me a bit to get used to the handling again, but it handles and has the power! Love the sound of the engine and exhaust!
The one thing I dont like about most bikes is the levers. The levers on the K1200R is too big in my opinion, some people my feel differently. These levers are shorter with adjustable distance from your fingers. If you use two or three fingers for shifting or breaking then you wont be crushing your pinky or other fingers because of the way this lever is shaped. So I think this is an extremely needed upgrade! The distance from the hand can be adjusted two ways and the length of the lever can be adjusted as well. Loving it!
This upgrade is an all LED Brake light which gives a different look to the back end of the bike, previous it was all red so this change gave it a different look.
This strut is lighter and just as strong as the standard strut. And it looks really cool since the whole bottom of the bike is powder coated black this is a little different since its a silver Rizoma Paralever Strut.
Carbon Fiber Heel Gaurds
The heel gaurds just continue the look of the of the caron fiber pieces cross the bike.