Plot Summary: Shirahama Kenichi is an average student who has earned the nickname “Weak Legs” from always getting bullied. One day he meets a cute girl named Furinji Miu who helps him build the courage to begin training at a mysterious dojo where she lives. Here Kenichi faces intense training from masters of many different martial arts styles as he attempts to become stronger.
The story is focused on Kenichi Shirahama, an average 15-year-old weakling, whose life turns to Hell with the appearance of the naive, beautiful, and strong transfer student, Miu FÅ«rinji. After Kenichi witnesses Miu’s skills in martial arts, he joins the RyÅzanpaku dojo, the gathering place of those who are truly strong, which also happens to be Miu’s home. After beating a karate student in a match, he is soon targeted by all the delinquents in the school. Since then, Kenichi’s routine is divided between his hellish training with the masters of RyÅzanpaku, and his fights against the members of Ragnarok, a gang who views him as either a possible ally or an impending threat to their plans. This anime is really entertaining and you can’t help but love Kenichi because no matter how serious he is, he always does something funny. This is an action packed martial arts anime, with the right combination of comedy and drama, it shouldn’t be missed.
Link: AnimeNewsNetwork