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There are going to be some power outages over the next couple of weeks, and when this happens it could damage the PC or the Network Area Storage. So I have gotten a few APC UPSs to safeguard my equipment. They have a good selection of Home & Small Office products which can give you enough time to shutdown your equipment, and you can remain operational for a bit if you need to.

What I got:

  • APC Back-UPS ES 550VA 230V
    • Price: 30 kD
    • Quantity 4
  • APC BACK-UPS RS 1500VA 230V
    • Price: 100 KD
    • Quantity 1

dsc01972.jpgI wanted the APC Back-UPS ES700VA since it could last quite a bit longer and had 8 sockets instead of 5, but I had to go with what was in stock. I have already installed the first UPS but it will take about 8 hours to charge up before use and then I connect a lot my equipment to it.