Fantasy Football is at the core of The League, a comedy that explores how the online sports obsession affects marriages, friendships, families, and completely shuts down Sundays. The comedy will be partially improvised, with the team from Curb Your Enthusiasm behind it.
I am very surprised I didn’t see or hear about this show before, its running on its fourth season, and if you like anything about American Football then you have to watch this show. Honestly if you know even a little bit about sports, you have to watch this show, these guys are so ridiculous and over the top competitive then you can’t help but laugh your head off. I finished season 1 in two days, and probably season 2 in couple more, when ever I feel like a light comedy with a bunch of guys this is it. If you haven’t seen it then you are miss out because these guys are nuts about football. They do some crazy funny shit!