Plot Summary: There are two forces in the world: the Zet, who are entrusted with the survival of humanity, and the Alphas, who have chosen an extreme form of justice. In a certain city, Jin lives under a bridge with an old man, struggling to pay off debts. He carries the destiny of humanity’s survival. Kouga lives on a hill and stands to inherit vast wealth. In his admiration for heroes, he seeks out the meaning of justice. They don’t know it now, but they are destined to one day meet.
The moment I saw the trailer to this Anime I thought of Guyver, at last they made something similar with the same dark tone. Zetman was heading in that direction and Zet was a cool character, with him slowly developing his powers fighting monsters. It picks up pace but then it just doesn’t grab you 100% and the other characters get a bit annoying, Kouga develops as well half way through as another main character and honestly I don’t care for him. The story diverts a little too much, even forcing a ridiculous romance, Zet is a badass and they should have capitalized on it. Its a fun anime but don’t get your expectations too high.
Link: AnimeNewsNetwork