Shin Getter Robo is a fictional mecha from Go Nagai and Ken Ishikawa’s Getter Robo universe. It first appeared in the last volume of the Getter Robo Go manga, then made famous by the Super Robot Wars series of video games. It has appeared in two separate OVAs and several of Nagai and Ishikawa’s manga.
Fewture makes one of the best models out of all the companies, moveable and almost all in metal which is very impressive. They only have a few and the moment they sell out, they start selling in the thousands. This one is from the old school Shin Getter 1 from 1993 and its mean and I love it, I have the Great Mazinger and Mazinger 1969 which are very cool. I especially love the Giant Axe with Shin Getter 1, he just looks bad ass like that.