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Its been a long while since I have been in a bookstore in the UK, as soon as I passed by Waterstones I stopped to check out the books. The reason I like Waterstones is because they have a recommendation section where people who work there recommend books with short reviews which are pretty interesting, they give you a mix of choices and different genres to enjoy.

I was walking around and tempted to buy a lot of books but kept walking as I still had a lot of books to read. My favorite section in the bookstore is the Scifi section, Waterstones always seem to be updated with a lot of books for science fiction and fantasy. So I headed down to my shocking surprise I found the new Trudi Canavan book, I didn’t know she had one out, I was happy as kid in a candy store, I flipped through it real quick, I didn’t think I would get to read any of her books anytime soon but lo and behold she had a new book. So I picked that up right away knowing that I will be reading it very soon. So many other books I skimmed through, I just took their names down to be noted for later, I have a list of a few dozen books that I want to read, but if its fiction I don’t mind picking it up any point in time. I just love the smell of books and paper in Waterstones, never could get enough of it.