What a weekend, I don’t think I have laughed so much in such a short time. This is what happens when you have a shalaih packed full of guys who just want to eat and enjoy the water, we had a few water activities in mind but the sea was a little rough. On Thursday morning we were probably one of the few people in the water and we were trying kneeboarding and wakeboarding, turns out he kneeboard was of crap quality and I pulled my forearm muscle trying to get up on the wakebaord but I failed miserably. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to try again, I remember wakeboarding in 2004 and I want to try it again, its a lot of fun once you get up, I just need to practice a little and get the technique down and its easy from there. There was also a doughnut and banana involved and I think I pulled a few different muscles that I didn’t even know I had, I’m sore in the oddest of places.
We also managed to watch a lot of tv shows: