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Micorsoft UK & Halo Wars Marketing Idea

It seems Microsoft UK has gone down an interesting road in its PR campaign for Halo Wars. A little skin of the “Biggest” Halo fan in the UK with a Halo Wars tank top isn’t the smartest thing in the world. It seems a well planned PR campaign went down the drain, and its not that men won’t like this but they aren’t giving gamers the credit they deserve, some skin doesn’t even sell more games, its the content and the quality of the game. You would think they would know that from Gears of War, Gears of War 2, and Halo 3 which are still chart toppers and keeps people playing XBox 360. For more on the entertaining article click the link below.

Also I think it would be good if Amanda would hold the controller to the screen, at least make her look like she knows how to fire a rocket launcher or stick a grenade to the enemy!

Link: UKResistance