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The Office – The Last Season – The End Of An Era


For 9 years Dunder Miflin Paper Company has been recording the Office of the Scranton Branch and still nobody has explained to them why. Things just keep getting better, and I know there area a lot of people addicted to it, I for one can’t get enough of Dwight, the guy is an evil genius.


But all good things must come to end, there are four episodes left to air, and this week they recorded the last show, the set of The Office has shutdown. Honestly it has been a great show, even when Steve Carrel left I thought they weren’t going to do as well but between all the characters and amazing story they really managed to end the show while they are on top. I just got used to watching them all the time, they talk to the camera like they know its there. But now there are only a few left and I’m not sure how they are planning to end it.


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