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On The Go

The last week has been hectic, I had to travel for work for a few days only to find that my emails and things in Kuwait piled up when I got back. But as usual when I’m in Dubai I take full advantage of what ever movies were playing but due to the lack of time I only managed to watch 3 of the 5 that I wanted to watch and one of them was sadly a waste of time.

The last few weeks were pretty good, I got into a rhythm of finishing work, and family events as well as getting the right amount of online time and slowly catching up with my RSS feeds. But just those few days of distortion totally messed up my routine, even the gym routine, I tried eating healthy but that wasn’t happening due to the amount of popcorn I was having.

Not blogging was annoying since I wanted to get as much done as possible, but even sitting at the computer was a luxury I didn’t have while on the go. Even when I managed to slightly catch up on my RSS feeds a few weeks back, that number shot up again because I didn’t have time to read through any of the feeds.