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Pandora Container Cabinets

In a few decades our whole world economy has become reliant on the containerization of our supply lines. Known the world over for its indestructible appearance and boxy look, the shipping container is one of the best known industrial archetypes. This modular storage system is inspired by the wonderful colour mosaics that sprout to life in every harbor and container terminal the world around.

For some reason I have always like shipping containers, I always enjoyed urban design projects which incorporated these shipping containers to make living spaces and offices. Now Sander Mulder’s latest home furnishings are built to resemble industrial shipping containers, and just like the real deal, units can be stacked and rotated to create a multitude of storage configurations. These Pandora Container Cabinets would be perfect in an office garage or some sort of industrial designed area, and I’m assuming they are as expensive as they look but very cool additions.

Link: SanderMulder