Armegaddon was one of my favorite movies, it still is, and I still love watching when its on TV or I watch it every once in a while. I always knew that I loved movies but this movie was just something else for me. I remember back in the day we really didn’t see trailers much, we didn’t really watch online trailers back in 1998 or 1997, we were all on emails, chat programs and playing quick online games. Now when I look at this old trailer I think the trailer itself is crap, quality of the video itself aside, I think the way that they put it together wasn’t good at all, and the guy’s voice just feels disconencted from the movie itself. Its funny I think the guy who was talking is the same guy that does all the movies. I loved Bruce Willis in this movie and Steve Buscemi (the guy who went nuts while in space) was hilarious in this movie, it had a fantastic storyline. I didn’t even know who Michael Bay was at the time, but I knew Jerry Bruckheimer was the producer.
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