Every once in a while you see a unique business card that draws your attention and Steve Wozniaks’ card always draws attention. One because its Steve Wozniak or The Other Steve @ Apple, and two because its made out of steel which is very cool. Plasma Design is a company which makes creative cards out different kinds of steels and plastics based on your design or something they can put together. These cards are high quality steel and extremely thin, a few hundred microns to be exact. I think they are really cool and would want to have a card like that, but you would have to pick specific people to give this card to as it is expensive as hell. Depending on the type of card you pick and the thickness it could range from $550 for 100 cards and go all the way up to $19000 for 5000 cards. Still I think they are extremely cool and unique cards, click the link for more details and information about them.
Link: PlasmaDesign