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StarCraft 2 – Online Download

I was so excited to download the game that I have been waiting all day to come home and click download. I tried predownloading the game, but I got an error stating that it was too early and I can only download from the 27th, so as soon I got home and went to the portal to proceed with the download. Made the payment, clicked all the buttons, filled all the information, and proceeded to purchase. One thing though, I did this all through my VPN, so that it appears I was making the purchase from a US location, I don’t know if that made a difference but I didn’t want any hiccups telling me that the game hasn’t been released in my country yet.

Now it begins, at first it said 3 days but after about 20 minutes, it flew through the list and I got to the download stage. Whats great is that my machine already counted what I had predownloaded a while back so I only had 1 GB left to download, and it wouldn’t be too much longer. I’m going to go through the installer and hopefully I can be playing by the end of the night, I’m not sure when but I want to free myself to play this game fully without any stops, it may not be anytime in the next few days, but Ramadan is around the corner, meaning I get off work early so more gaming time. 6.28 GB of 6.99 GB!
