Vodafone Pay-As-You-Go service has always been very convenient because you can keep those lines for a very long time, but it seems my time is up. I have lost the number and it has gone back into the number rotation. Meaning that the life of my line has come to an end, and it has gone back to the Pay-As-You-Go lottery numbers and anyone can pick it up, and I have had this number for 5 years, since the summer of 2004 and after talking to a UK Vodafone agent I can’t seem to get it back.
When I spoke to them before they said as long as I have credit on the number that it can’t go back to rotation and last I checked was that I had 100 GBP (Pounds) on the card, but after talking to several representative for a while, it seems I didn’t really have an option of getting it back. He said that to keep a line alive I have to use the line once or top it up once every 3 months, and if it gets disconnected I have a total of 9 months to re-activate it and get the line back but I passed that mark making the assumption that I can’t lose it if I had credit on it from another representative. Having a UK line even when roaming Europe is a lot cheaper then using a Zain line on Roaming, something Zain’s charges are always higher and its convenient that your able to top it off using Vodafone cards from other countries using the Euro currency. Now it seems I either have to get another Pay-As-You-Go line or get a subscribers line, I will weigh my options when I’m at the Vodafone store. Just a thought popped into my head, I remember a long time back it was MTC/Vodafone so they can get the red from under Wataniya but I don’t know when the relationship went sour between them.