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116 GB of Anime

I have been neglecting Anime for about 4 weeks now and this is the result, about 116 GB of data that I missed to get as well as episodes I was following. It was after that business trip that I started archiving some shows that I wanted and expanding the material and media on WHS that I put Anime on the back burner thinking I would get to it later. A week turned into two, then that into a month and then realizing that I had so much to download it would be enormous if I didn’t start now. So one evening I went through about nine to ten pages from the torrent site which added up to more then 270 torrents that I to sift through and choose which ones I’m downloading and which I am skipping. Some were new shows, some were current shows and some were old shows released in high definition which I had to have to watch later. At this point I really have no clue where to start with a new anime, I keep getting excited when I find a new anime to watch which is interesting but then I get lost, not knowing what to choose next.