This story revolves around a Witcher name Geralt, he is special type of person. Monsters are around in different areas with different capabilities, when people need to eradicate the problem then he is the man that is needed. A witcher is a special type of human who is genetically and magically modified when born, then trained in the magical arts to have super human abilities and be able to use a certain level of magic. I was looking forward to the book since it got some interesting reviews so I was looking forward to it. Geralt is a very interesting character and you can connect to him, as the story picks up I keep thinking there is something huge that is going to get caught up in. The book is very easy read, but I the plot wasn’t completely clear, I thought they were keeping the best for last. Turns out that the story line is some what related between chapters but just an easy enjoyable read, there wasn’t a huge climax that I was expecting but still it was a fun and easy fantasy book to read.
Link: Amazon
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