Plot Summary: It is the year A.D. 2307. Fossil fuels on Earth have been depleted entirely, with mankind turning to the next available power source: solar energy. During this time, 3 orbital elevators with solar power generation systems are built, each under control by the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations (formerly United States of America), the Human Reform League (Russia, China and India) and the Advanced European Union. However, not all countries are able to enjoy the benefits of this system, leading to widespread resentment and war. Arising out of the conflict, a mysterious military organization known as Celestial Being appears, dedicated to end all warfare using Mobile Suits called Gundam. This begins the stories of Gundam Meisters (pilots) Setsuna F. Seiei, Lockon Stratos, Allelujah Haptism and Tiera Erde as they are thrown into conflict between the 3 superpowers and the various other factions.
I always do enjoy the Gundam stories since they do revolve around these amazing machines. Every time I watch a Gundam anime I end up wanting to pilot one of those machines. This anime starts off a little different then all the others, this time they belong to an unknown entity which is trying to stop the war between the three powers of the globe, and this plan seemed to have been set in motion from two hundred years in the past. As usual the anime itself is spectacular, great music, and the character development is perfect for this anime. Any mecha or Gundam fan will love this version of Gundam 00, I know I did and the best part there will be a continuation of it.
Link: AnimeNewsNetwork