Plot Summary: In an alternate 21st century, Japan’s scientists has perfected the art of biotechnology and robotics, its benefits extending the lifespans of all humans. However, the United Nations deemed the advanced technology a dangerous threat and started strict surveillance on Japan. The government of Japan refused to abide by UN’s demands to halt research, in the year 2067 left the UN and isolated itself visually and communically. Ten years later, an American special forces unit by the name of SWORD, led by its female commander named Vexille, are sent to uncover the current status of the isolated Japan, after the country begins its plan to move. The shocking secrets they find will shock the rest of the world.
This animation picks up when Japan isolates itself from the rest of the world and they are producing the most powerful weapons. Countries don’t want to cross Japan so they play by the rules to make sure they receive the latest weapons. The SWORD team starts seeing what DAIWA (Japanese Weapons Contractor) is doing and they don’t like but they don’t have the support of their government. They go into Japan blindly only to discover something shocking. The animation is nothing short of exquisite, the music is all based on Paul Oakenfold which keeps things very fresh, the action is non-stop and you can’t help enjoying this action packed CG anime.
Link: AnimeNewsNetwork