Friday morning involved roaming around Shuweikh for some places. We were looking for Ace Hardware at 8:30 am and we thought we knew where we were going, but we were completely wrong. I thought it was close to IKEA but A2Z and True Value was around the area, it wasn’t Ace Hardware, we did end of somewhere unexpected which was the KDD factory. We walked in and it seemed like heaven, every juice you could imagine and lots of ice creams.
We spent a good 20 minutes waiting for the ice cream machine to kick into gear, but still we didn’t get any ice cream. When we asked for some Rockets or Raspberries they said they sell them in packs of 10, so that wasn’t an option. We left empty handed but next time we shall be stocking up on all forms of ice creams. I don’t care what anyone says, KDD is superior to both Petra and KDCow, so much better there isn’t even a comparison when it comes to the Ice Creams.