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RIAA Losing on Lawsuits


The RIAA has been chasing after innocent users and serving them lawsuits for their peer-to-peer activity. The funny part is that RIAA doesn’t even know how many download from a person they just know that the person is distributing something. The information on their side is limited they are just trying to discourage users from sharing but this has been a losing battle. The RIAA has admitted that this is a losing battle for them and they haven’t gain anything from it.

They haven’t really discourage people from sharing they are finding a different way around it, and they are making any money off of the lawsuits either. They spend much more on lawyers, consul, and consultants then they even come close to gaining from winning the lawsuits. I don’t know when they will get the idea, but read the Arstechnica article its a very interesting read.

Link: Arstechnica