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Music Compilation Begins!


Thanks to everyone for pointing in me in the right direction from my previous post for the right software to Rip CDs and tag them ID3s from a Database. I installed ExactAudioCopy since it had the right features I was looking for and I was mostly looking at the two items I mentioned previously, I don’t need it to do everything, I just need it to the things I want really well. From 10 CD it couldn’t identify only 2 CDs, it was surprising there were a few I wasn’t expecting but it got most of them and the ones it didn’t I updated the freedb with information from the disk cover which I inputed. I’m going to see if there is way to add to the Database or get information from another DB, if anyone has any ideas drop me a line.

In regards to the process you have to get EAC and LAME MP3 encoder and you unzip that LAME folder into the same fold you install EAC and then you configure EAC to use the LAME externel compress to produce the MP3s. With EAC you can configure it to have high quality or a mix of speed and quality, I opted for quality so it has slowed down the ripping process and a CD can take from 20 to 30 minutes. I don’t mind since I’m going to be able to archive the disk now once I’m done ripping all that I want.