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Riding on 17 Apr 2007 at 9:43 am

It was in January when my Yamaha R1 was stolen in the US, and it has been a long process with insurance. The R1 had full coverage insurance with Geico and there is a process you have to follow with insurance.
What happened:
- Contacted the police when the bike was stolen
- Gave the police all the details
- Then the police officer gives you a number to follow up with the police report
- Then next morning my friend contacted insurance and told them what happened, he gave them the police report number
- The police report took about 2 to 3 weeks to get to insurance
- Then insurance has 1 month to search for the stolen bike
- After that they evaluated the value of the motorcycle and you just have to wait, they asked for all the service reports and all the reciepts I had, and I kept those all in a file for every bike I had.
I bought the motorcycle back in March of 2005 and it only had been ridden 3400 miles (5480 kilometers), and I bought it for $10’800
I was thinking insurance would offer me something around $8’000, but they sent me a cheque for $9’200 which is fantastic, I really didn’t expect that, and I recommend anyone who wants good insurance to go with Geico.