This was a relaxing weekend but I didn’t get much sleep over the past couple of days. I have been up late watching anime most of the time! The weather was acting up and we were having multiple seasons all in one day.
Relaxed with the guys, had a laugh and we got to watch two important things:
Got drenched from the Hurricane, and I had lunch at my Uncle’s pad which was fun, and then I went home to start a lockdown in the basement! I haven’t watched that much anime one go in a long time!
I started at 7pm and watched:
and some computing and gaming in between.
I ended up going to sleep at 6:30am since I wasn’t sure if it was going to rain or not.
I woke up at 11:20am and I saw that it was sunny, so I showered up and headed out on the bike! I was going to have lunch at my brother’s place at 2:00pm.
When I got to my brothers place I saw my nephew and that was really nice! And I saw my niece and she is growing up! She is only a few months old and adorable! After lunch though I passed out on their couch for about an hour and a bit. It was nice! After then I got up and continued riding for a bit! Then I went home to watch some anime.
Then I watched 24 episode 17 which was insane! Things have just gone overboard!!! I have no clue what Jack is going to do next! Its going to be an insane over the next coming episodes!
We also watched The Unit which is pretty interesting!