Kriega makes the most durable bike gear I have seen! Gear made by bikers for bikers is the only way to describe the items, there is no compromise in the quality of their products! I especially think their bags are the best biker bags out there. Heavy duty harness which is easy to slip on and off with your gear on, it doesn’t get caught at any point. Even after filling it with a laptop, gadgets, and other items it feels weightless because of the heavily padded back which molds to your back. You can adjust the harness to make the bag fit snuggly to you and so it feels perfect to your back, and you can make all these adjustments with your gloves on. Kriega also sells quite a few accessories for the bag if you want to increase its capacity. It only comes in black with some reflective parts to it, and it has more then enough pockets to accommodate a good amount of items. This is the best backpack for any rider!
They also sell a helmet skin which fit perfectly around any helmet, and protects it from scratches during transport. This is quality protection for something that is going to protect your head.
Link: Kriega
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