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Hectic and Relaxing


I didnt have time to sit down today but my cousin called me yesterday to ask me if I wanted to go to the movies and I thought “on a weekday?!?!?!… why the hell not!” I need a change.. a complete change to my usual schedule throughout the week and I have to say that I really needed it. I was running around all monday on the phone, meeting people, and shooting emails whenever possible. It was insane! I didn’t have time to breath all day, and so I was looking forward to the movie, and then he called asked if 5pm is fine compared to 7pm. I said thats fine with me and I would make it.

He told me the theater we are going to is Muhalab, and I have never been to Muahalab in Hawalli before, but I have to say that the theater is HUGE! It was fantastic! We went and saw Eragon and I was happy as hell that we were in the theater. The theater was fit for 200 and I think there was a max of 14 people in there! It was fantastic! The movie finish 6:50pm and so we headed back to my cousins place to get some grub and watch something else.


And we chose Smallville. I have to say that Lois Lane is soooooooo much hotter then Lana Lang, since she entered the picture Im not that much interested in Lana Lang anymore! I love her tough girl attitude and her hard ass thing to her! Its like she would kick your ass if she likes you sort of attitude, and the relationship between her and Clark is fantastic! hehe..

It was a nice chill day.