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Productive Sunday


This one productvie sunday, even though I got swamped at work and things are getting a hectic since New Years is coming up and everyone is trying to warp up everythin by then. So work is just piling up, but today I finished and went home, then I chilled with my mom, and we had lunch. A little chit chat here and there, and then I went to visit my grandmother since she came back, and I prefered to go early to avoid all the people. And I had a few things I wanted to do.

I went to the gym, and I was happy with the work that I did the past couple of weeks whcih I shall be posting about the workout. I had a good workout this time, and I saw a friend there so we started talking motorcycles since he has a Ducati.



After that I went to one Hawally shop to do a full transplant between the small shuttle to the minitower so that I could make some additions to my Media PC. And going to Hawally around 8:45pm it was fantastic since there wasnt much traffic and I could easily go to where I wanted to go but I had to carry to boxes up two flights of stairs. It felt easy after the workout. After finishing with that I went home to take the well deserved shower.