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Another Helmet!


The one thing I cant get enough is getting more bike gear! I think I should cool off a little bit but this damn Helmet looks so freaking cool! Its the new HJC AC-12 Carbon Fiber Helmet.

Its lighter the other helmets because its carbon fiber, but it provides the same amount of protection. HJC does make some really good quality helmets. The only thing I dont like about their helmets is the feeling of the inside liner. But it depends which line of theirs of course. But still this helmet looks freaking cool made out of highquality carbon fiber, and witha black visor it would look great!


I still gotta make posts of my Scorpion helmet that I just got, but I was just looking at this one! The other good part of this product that it isnt extremely expensive compared to other Carbon Fiber helmets (BMW). The BMW helmet costs 400 KD ($1500.00), and thats pretty damn expensive. This helmet costs 130 KD ($420.00) which isnt bad at all, Arai’s Corsair range go for 200KD.

I love bike gear! Cant get enough!

Link: webBikeWorld