Plot Summary: Louie, a brawny student at the mage’s guild, is reluctantly accepted by three girls (Merrill-thief, Genie-fighter, and Melissa-priestess) as a companion for their adventuring party. As the foursome explore ruins, battle dark creatures, and make new friends, they also uncover a sinister plot within the kingdom.
This is one of those fantasy type animes! I was really enoying this anime and it is based around the main Character Louie who is part of the Magicians guild. He is the a gung ho type of guy who is always looking to fight monsters on his adventures. He manages to put together a group of adventurers who are made up of a theif, a fighter, and a preistess. And all of them have little faith in Louie. And through all his adventures in this group there are people moving in the background, so they jump into that mystery as well. This a really funny anime and anyone would enjoy watching it. Its characters are full of life, and you cant stop watching Louie do his thing.
Link: AnimeNewsNetwork
Link: Amazon