This is the first bike I ever bought! It wasnt the smartest move I made, but Im happy I came away from it unscathed. I first learned how to ride after visiting a friend of mine, and he had a CBR 929. At first I always thought people riding bikes were insane, just like everyone else. Its because I saw people riding bikes in Kuwait so I thought that it would be nuts. I was staying with my friend for 10 days, and so I would see his bike every day in the garage. So I asked him to teach me, and we was watching some recorded games of Kuwait vs. Someone and he threw the helmet at me and the keys. And all he said was “Dont drop it”. I was asking him if he was sure he told me to go ahead and try around the parking lot. We were inside his apartment complex so I thought that I would ride it around the parking lot. So the first time I could only go straight! I had to turn around when I ran out of road inside the complex by going back and forth to turn around, because I didnt know how to turn! That was funny! After doing that for a couple of days I figured out the basic things, and I learned to shift without breaking the bike. And for three days straight I learned to ride on my own. Again it wasnt the smartest thing to do, but I didnt have any intention of doing that from the beginning, but I just went with it and learned. Then after that I had the bug! I wanted to ride more! I wanted to buy my own bike!
So the day I got back, I went online to search for a bike, and I didnt tell anyone. I found a place with a good used 2000 R1, clean and with a steering dampner. I went the next morning with a friend and bought the bike, with some gear! And I couldnt stop riding since then! But since I survived my first mistake I will make sure to note what I did wrong. But it was fun as hell! And my friend had no clue what I was doing, so he thought I was nuts when I got on the bike! And the used bike dealership didnt care that I didnt have a license at the time (Again dumb move on my part, but Im happy nothing happen, and I will never repeat the same mistake).
And that R1 was like Riding a bucking Bronco! It always wants to fly at top speed, and kick you off the bike! If you dont watch yourself you would fall off that bike really quick! And the funny part is I taught four of my friends to ride on that bike! It was a revolutionary bike when it first came out in 1998, and because it was such a raw bike people couldnt handle riding it!
More pictures below