content top’s 25 Top Blogs

Based on Time Magazine’s list, here is the full list of the top 25 and the 5 over rated blogs. They are money making blogs, and some of them are the usual ones and some are very interesting blogs which seem to have a huge following. Going to the Time magazine link would give you more information on each ranking, but here you just have the rank.

    The Top 25 Blogs

  1. The Huffington Post
  2. Lifehacker
  3. Metafilter
  4. TreeHugger
  5. PostSecret
  6. Blog di Beppe Grillo
  7. Engadget
  8. Freakonomics
  9. Gigazine
  10. Ace of Spades HQ
  12. Gawker
  13. Andrew Sullivan
  14. Velveteen Rabbi
  15. Boing Boing
  16. TechCrunch
  17. Web 2.Oh…really?
  18. The Sartorialist
  19. Daily Kos
  20. The Consumerist
  21. Indexed
  22. Threat Level
  23. The Dullest Blog in the World
  24. Bad Jocks
  25. The Reverse Cowgirl
    The 5 Most Overrated Blogs

  1. Slashdot
  2. Jim Cramer Blog on
  3. Ars Technica
  4. Nicholas Kristof On the Ground
  5. I can has cheezburger

Link: Valleywag